The Framework

Interreg IPA CBC Programme Greece – Republic of North Macedonia 2014-2020

The Framework

Interreg IPA CBC Programme Greece –
Republic of North Macedonia 2014-2020

The Interreg IPA CBC Programme Greece – Republic of North Macedonia 2014-2020 ​is a European Territorial Cooperation Programme that supports regional cooperation between Greece and the Republic of North Macedonia. The Programme’s overall objective is to enhance territorial cohesion by improving living standards and employment opportunities holding respect to the environment and by using the natural resources for upgrading of the tourism product.


The two Priority Axes of the Programme are:

1. Development and Support of Local Economy

2. Protection of Environment – Transportation


The total budget allocated to the Programme is 45.470.066,00€, out of which 38.649.552,00€ (85%) is Union Support and the 6.820.514,00€ (15%) the National Counterpart.


Eligible area


5 Nuts III Regions: Thessaloniki, Pella, Kilkis, Serres and Florina

 Republic of North Macedonia

4 Nuts III Regions: Pelagonia, Vardar, Southeast and Southwest


Expected results

Improved health and social services for the population living in the cross-border region

Further jobs created in the tourism sector

Improved access to local transport infrastructures, faster connections to main corridors, efficient border crossing services, transport services using innovative technologies

Improved waste management or recycling systems

Improved measures addressing natural risks (floods, forest fires) and environment protection

PA 1: Development and Support of Local Economy

Priority Axis 1. Development and Support of Local Economy

The PA1. Development and Support of Local Economy promotes employment and mobility of human resources as well as aims to improve health and social investments and services. It supports the protection of natural and cultural heritage in order to improve the attractiveness and encourage tourism in the cross-border area.

Specific Objectives

1.1: Create employment opportunities for educated graduates by exploiting comparative advantages of the crossborder area, preferably with the use of innovative tools and practice

1.2: Improvement of preventive health care and social services of children and elderly population mainly in the rural crossborder areas

1.3: Improve the attractiveness and promote tourism in the cross-border area by promoting and capitalizing natural and cultural assets